«The Internet

Is Not

the Answer»

by Andrew Keen

Publication of «The Internet Is Not the Answer» by Andrew Keen.

On 15 March 2016, the Bauman Moscow State Technical University hosted a presentation of The Internet Is Not the Answer, a book published by Alpina Publisher and supported by SFERIQ.  «Any instrument, even a hammer, has its own rules of use. One should know all the operational requirements and observe safety measures. It is also relevant to such a powerful modern instrument as the Internet, which, while providing endless opportunities to create, has an ability to destroy. That is why we all have got to understand why and how it is used. Andrew Keen engages you in considering the Internet's role in our society's life. And then in making a choice. Your own choice»
Ulvi Kasimov, The founder of SFERIQ, a global investment company.
Ulvi Kasimov, The founder of SFERIQ, a global investment company.
When the Internet appeared in our lives, millions of people worldwide thought it to be one of the greatest shifts in society since the Industrial Revolution full of endless possibilities. But are we less aware of the Internet's dark side?   Stepping up to shed some light on the matter is Andrew Keen, nicknamed ‘the Antichrist of Silicon Valley’ for his strong criticism of plutocrats like Mark Zuckerberg, who are making billions by using personal data of users like us. Keen shows us how owners of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other digital giants foster unemployment and economic inequality, guided by the winner-take-all principle, and how Internet business spawned an entire industry constantly obtaining and processing our personal data. Keen's detailed picture of the Internet’s technology and economics will be quite an interesting read for anyone who wants to benefit from using the World Wide Web with minimal risks to personal safety. 

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